7.チョコレートケーキを作る/bake a chocolate cake


I woke up late today since I stayed up late last night watching some animes…..I wish I could wake up earlier and spend productive time… I will add “Asakatsu” which means do some productive stuff in the morning like study, exercise and so on in my list.


The plans for today were…

森で散歩/go walking in woods→スーパーまで歩いて行ってケーキとクレープの材料買う/buy ingredients for crapes and cake →うちのアパートのキッチンでお菓子作り/bake them at my place



It was a gloomy rainy day yesterday but it turned out to be such a nice weather today. Autumn had come in Finland when I came back from the trip to Sweden and London 2 weeks ago. It was already cold like winter when I left Finland(it was just 3 degrees at 10am) , but the trees were still green.

Since I’m a person who prefers staying inside, but it’s nice to go walking someday in a nice weather. But before I do it I always feel like ” it doesn’t make sense to go out if I don’t have any plans…let’s just stay in my cosy bed today…” But in Finland, apparently people do like to go walking or spend time outside. I see lots of people running or walking with their dogs (sometimes cats as well), having a picnic. It totally makes sense in here since there are lots of beautiful nature  such as woods and lakes especially in my city. I guess all the people in here grow up with nature, not like me. Also, maybe there is nothing to do. I didn’t know that there are loads of things to do in Japan. We have Karaokes, gaming shops, Manga cafes and so on…. I used to like this quiet atmosphere in Finland at first, but now I really miss Japan… My friend said that Japan might never sleep. I think that’s true. I didn’t really like Japan when I was in there, but now I know. I like Japan. I like Japanese food!!! But I think I was obsessed with shopping and owning things. There are lots of nice stuff making us tricked buying them. I felt happy when I got something new. A guy in a TV program said ” we don’t buy things by money, we buy thing by time which is used to earn money.” I don’t know if my English makes sense, but it was kind of impressive to me. I have never thought like that. Well, I think I’m getting off track here now haha


Anyway, we made a chocolate cake and crapes after that. I made this chocolate cake twice when I was in Stockholm 2 weeks ago, I thought I remembered the recipe, but apparently not. I don’t even have measuring spoons, so it is natural to make it bad. I got the recipe for next time, so I will write it down here. It was actually very very good last time! I couldn’t stop eating it…and it is very easy to make.You should definitely try it!


  • バター100g / 100g butter
  • 砂糖2 1/2dl / 21/2 dl suger
  • 卵2こ / 2 eggs
  • ココアパウダー テーブルスプーン3杯(テーブルスプーンってなに?)/ 3 table spoons of kokoa
  • バニラシュガー ティースプーン1杯 / 1 tea spoon of vanila suger



15 minutes in a oven with 180℃

